
Doctors/Physicians/Nurse Practitioners or Healthcare Providers:

We help your patients take their medications as prescribed, handle prior authorizations, find discounts and copay assistance, and stay out of the hospital—so your office has more time.

Patients Calling for Refills/Transferring Prescriptions:

New Customers

We would love the opportunity to serve as your trusted healthcare advisor.

Existing Customers

Welcome back! Here at ProscriptAmerica Pharmacy we try to make it as easy as possibe for you to get what you need quick.


Prescription Refills and Transfers

Medication Adherence

Durable Medical Equipment

Medication Therapy Management

Long Term Care Services


Diabetes Specialized Care Center


Multi-Dose Packaging

Scheduled Appointments

Medication Synchronization

Veterinary Medicine

Over the counter

Pain Medication

Cold and Allergy Medication

Vitamins and Supplements

Oral Health Products

Feminine Hygiene Products

First Aid Items


School and Office Supplies

Infant Care

Hair Care

Shower and Bath Items

Sunscreen and Bug Spray

Dietary Supplements

Over the counter

Home Decor

Greeting Cards

Special Occasion Items

Seasonal Gifts

Kid's Toys


Scarves, Purses and Tote Bags