
Flagship products are NeilMed SINUS RINSE™ and NeilMed NasaFlo® Neti Pot which are available in most stores in USA, Canada and several other countries. NeilMed currently has over 40 different products for nasal and sinus care and all the products are OTC (over the counter). With a small team of extremely dedicated, loyal and hard working leadership group, NeilMed continues to formulate innovative ideas to market. In additions diversification plans include the introduction of surgical devices for hospital and emergency rooms. NeilMed supports medical research in several countries and believes in excellent 24 hour live customer service, helping local communities, donating for natural disasters and educating health care professionals and consumers.
The mission of the company is safety, affordability and effectiveness to sustain long-term growth and create drug free and effective nasal / sinus care for millions of consumers worldwide.